1. The moment you get up, set your feet on the floor. Face the window with bright light.

2. Close your eyes with smile. Invite Mother Earth, Father Sun, your higher-self and your guardian Angel. Inhale when inviting each of the Spirits. Exhale and send love to them, and then feel their love back into your heart chakra.

3. Ask them to fill your day with joy, love and abundance.

4. Set your intention for a beautiful, abundance and blessing day.

5. Take 4 deep breath and reflect your gratitude to Mother Earth, Father Sun and your higher-self and your guardian Angel.

6. Last but not least, take another deep breath. On your exhalation, send the love energy to the people that you are seeing today. They include the ones you expect to see and any strangers that you will meet as well.

Repeat these steps everyday and your life will fill with Love and Harmony before you know it.

Many Blessings!