Since the end of the 5th cycle of 26,000 years of history is approaching; the energy from the Universe could be very intense at times. We are in the process of recalibrating and reactivating our DNA and cells from the current 3rd dimensional world to the 5th dimensional beings. Human beings have been suffering karmic blockages from many lifetimes. With the higher vibrational shift that we are experiencing, the impact of this energy could aggravate our karmic blockages from previous lifetimes. These blockages could cause pain, diseases, mental and emotional trauma, hormone imbalance and many other physical symptoms. With the Light Language Healing being performed, Robert’s clients have the opportunity to restore their soul truth and release these past and present life trauma and karmic blockages. He is able to access the information from the person’s past life and identify when and where these karmic blockages originated. For example, the client’s upper chest is suffering tremendous pressure and has trouble breathing. These symptoms could be caused by injuries, severe impacts, or from a really bad relationship from a past life. Robert can facilitate the Light Language Healing to release any deep trauma and to restore the soul’s truth. Our spiritual, emotional and physical body will be more adaptable to the new energy shift in preparation for soul ascension.